Friday, April 24, 2009

Poor Chloe

Poor Chloe! She went outside to play Wednesday and came in with so many mosquito bites. She says she itches and hurts. I even caught her using a washcloth to rub/scratch them this morning. Anna Catherine has allergic reactions to mosquito bites so I keep mosquito wipes to put on the kids before they go outside. I haven't used them yet this year but I will definitely start now. Chloe seems to be allergic to as well.

There are several bites on her neck under her hair that I couldn't get a picture of them. I am giving her benadryl and put Cortisone-10 on the bites. Cortisone-10 is a roll-on anti-itch liquid. Has anyone ever used this medicine? This is my first time to try it but I thought the roll-on would be easier to use than a cream or lotion.

And to top it off, Chloe was running last night and fell on the sidewalk. Both of her little knees are all scraped up. She already has too many scars from all of her boo-boos.

Poor Chloe! She has such sensitive skin...just like her mama.


Stephanie said...

Poor Chloe! I'm so sorry she has so many boo-boos. She's still a cutie though.
We haven't had any problem with AEH and mosquitos. Not sure about EMH yet. So I don't know about the cortisone.

The Family Bond said...

BB has the same kind of reaction to mosquitoes. They turn into cellulitis. We've even ended up at the after hours clinic with one near his eye. Decadron took care of that one.