Friday, May 1, 2009

Zoo Field Trip

April 25, 2009---The MAE kindergarten classes enjoyed a field trip today to the Jackson Zoo. The babies and I went along as chaperones. We had 12 parents from AC's class there so each had their own child plus one more. I had my three plus Anna Catherine's best friend, Marie. It was nice to only have to be responsible for a few children because the zoo was extremely crowded that day. Apparently Rankin County kindergarten classes and West Lauderdale kindergarten classes had the same plan, thus there were several hundred kids running wild. I felt sorry for the "regular folks" who just decided to take advantage of the nice weather and visit the zoo that morning!

This was our first visit to the Jackson Zoo. It's okay, but I'm used to the Memphis Zoo. I know that the Memphis Zoo has come a long way since I was a kid. All of their new and updated exhibits are magnificent and I really enjoy going there when we're in the Memphis area. I would have to say that the Jackson Zoo is still at the level the Memphis Zoo was about 25-30 years ago. I would say that 40% of the zoos cages/animal areas were empty. But the kids didn't care! They were just excited to see the animals. I am only posting a few animal pictures...

The Zoo has been boasting about "Penguin Plunge", their new penguin exhibit. We paid an additional $2 per person to see them. This is what we saw...

that's all there was---COMPLETE RIP-OFF!!!!! There were five penguins in a tank that was the size of the built-ins in my den. This thing was tiny and smelled horribly. The children weren't impressed at all. And of course, the only way to get out of the exhibit was to go through the new Penguin Gift Shop. We didn't purchase anything, even though Jackson saw several things he just had to have!

The girls enjoyed walking Chloe around on her monkey leash. This was the first time we've ever used a leash with any of our children (although we should have!). Chloe loves to run away from us and there was no way I was going to let her get away from me at the zoo! Oddly enough, she really likes it. She even wears it around the house.

We stopped to "rest" in one of the play areas:
Chloe liked the "crock-a-gator" (as she calls them):

The BFFs enjoyed picking and eating honeysuckle, which was abundant throughout the zoo:

We were allowed just under two hours to tour the zoo and then we joined the rest of her class for a picnic lunch in the park across from the zoo entrance. All of the kids were worn out. They ate as if they hadn't eaten in days (in their defense, it was almost an hour and a half past their normal lunch time). I checked AC out and took my kids for a ride on the train that has a short route through the park. We then hiked a good half mile to the van, loaded up, and headed home. Chloe and Jackson were asleep before we got back on the interstate. Once we got home, the little kids continued their naps while Anna Catherine and I hunkered down on the couch and watched the movie "Annie".
Even though the Jackson Zoo is not very impressive I bought a year-long family pass. Why you might ask? Because a family pass was cheaper than us paying for two visits and you know that we will be going back several times. Also, having a zoo membership allows you free or discounted rates to over 150 zoos in North America that take part in the Zoo and Aquarium Reciprocal program---which includes the Memphis Zoo, the St. Louis Zoo (which we are going to in three weeks), the Henry Vilas Zoo (in Madison, Wisconsin--which we are also going to in three weeks), and many others that we can easily make day trips to in the South. I am thinking we will definitely get our money's worth from this pass!

1 comment:

cjaxon said...

The animals make me sad, but they have better fake eggs to climb in at the jackson Zoo. LOL
We have to go to the Memphis Zoo the next time you venture this way! We have two new baby penguins you know :)