Monday, April 13, 2009

CrestKids Easter Egg Hunt

April 11, 2009---We attended our church's Easter egg hunt Saturday morning. The kids were super excited. The dad's took all of the eggs and hid them while the mom's stayed in the activities center with the eager hunters watching "Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie".

AC trying her best not to smile:

Upon being given instructions, the kids ran to their designated hunting ground based on their ages (0-2 years, 3 years-kindergarten, and 1st-5th grade). Rick was waiting outside so I took Chloe to him. I took AC and Jackson to their area but by the time we got to their area, there were literally two eggs left. They each got one egg. With their heads hung low, we walked over to Chloe's area and there were many, many eggs left to be found. The babies had lost interest in hunting. Anna Catherine and Jackson were allowed to take any of the remaining eggs. They were thrilled to have another chance at finding eggs and Chloe wasn't giving up until every egg had been found!

Afterwards, we went back to the activities center and enjoyed ice cream sundaes and the remainder of the VeggieTales movie. We emptied the candy from all of our eggs and put the empty eggs one of three buckets at the front of the room. Well, Chloe had caught on to the whole "there's candy in the eggs" concept and couldn't understand why no one had claimed this big bucket of eggs. She thought she had hit the motherload!!

The kids convinced us to let them play on the playground for a while but them we had to go home to eat lunch and take naps before going to a neighbor's crawfish boil...

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