Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hungry Squirrel

We put a simple wooden bird feeder in our back yard. We thought it had been hung so that the birds could easily eat without the squirrels getting their food or scaring them away. Well, we don't know how many times the squirrels have attempted to get to said feeder but today one of them was successful. Rick watched as he climbed onto the grill and then jumped onto the top of the bird feeder.

He would then lean over the side scooping food out of the feeder. He also tossed food down to the ground where four more squirrels sat waiting for the seeds:

Then it would hang there and eat before curling up for another helping. Can you imagine the abs on this squirrel? He did crunches for a good five minutes while we watched him eat. I can't imagine having that kind of core strength.

1 comment:

cjaxon said...

You are hilarious Tracy! "squirrel core strength" oh, maybe one of these days :)