Friday, May 1, 2009

Kindergarten Field Day

April 30, 2009---The American Lung Association sponsored field day at MAE. There were eight games during the field day activities---egg on a spoon race, dizzy bat race, bean bag toss, sack race, hula hoop race, animal sprint relay race, and sea animal riding relay race. Each of the eight kindergarten classes split into two teams and competed against the other classes.

AC and her peeps:

I worked the sea animal race. It was an easy game---There were two pool noodles, one with a dolphin puppet head and the other with a sea horse puppet head. Each team member had to put the noodle between their legs and ride it to the end of the course, around a cone, and back to their class where they handed off the animal to the next person in line. It was an easy game to monitor and still watch Chloe. Due to me working the race, I do not have pictures from the other events.

At the end of field day, the eight kindergarten classes competed in a "tug-of-war tournament". There were brackets and each class was eliminated after one loss. AC did not participate because of her arm. Her class lost in the first round.

Afterwards, I checked AC out of school and the girls enjoyed lunch at Chick-fil-a before picking up Jackson at preschool. It was a good day :)


The Crawford Connection said...

Sounds like a fun day! Pretty soon, you will have all three doing a field day! Love ya, Toni

Shoko said...

these are so cute! I really like them. Is it possible to use one of these photos in my article? Please let me
I'm currently living in Illinois and homewife too.