Thursday, May 21, 2009

From cast to brace

I am several weeks late posting this update on AC's arm. Sorry! Things have been hectic (as usual). On May 4 the doctor removed the waterproof cast. We were excited because swim lessons started that day and we have vacation coming at the end of the month.

Her arm was a little discolored and had some bruising and blisters.

We were surprised when the doctor came in and told us Anna Catherine would have to wear this brace for a month.

It will take her arm another month to completely heal. He had never mentioned this while discussing his plan of action for her arm. If he had, I would have insisted on keeping the waterproof cast on until we return from vacation. The brace can not get wet. Luckily it is removable so she takes it off when washing her hands, before bath time, and when we go swimming. The doctor said to be careful not to bang it, slip at the pool, limit athletic activities, etc. WHY!?! WHY didn't he leave the waterproof cast on her arm? He knew about the swim lessons and our vacation. It would have been so much easier to have kept the waterproof cast. I am so afraid she is going to hit her arm on the side of a waterslide/waterpark ride, slip at the pool, fall while running/playing, etc. It would have eased my mind to have kept the waterproof cast on for another month. It was hard and indestructible and made me feel safe. Oh well, there's nothing I can do now except hope and pray that she does not have an accident and re-injure herself.

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