Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm a Big Boy!

Jackson is potty trained--yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have patiently waited for what seems like forever for him to use the toilet like a big boy. You notice I said that "I have patiently waited". Rick, on the other hand, has forced Jackson to sit on the potty maybe a dozen times over the past six months, which has only brought cries, tears, and trauma to both parties involved. However, on March 30th Rick asked Jackson if he would use the potty. Jackson said okay, successfully went to the restroom, and has been going ever since. He immediately started wearing underwear 24/7. He has only had maybe four accidents and gets very upset when they happen. Jackson will proudly tell you, "I'm a big boy!" I kept saying he would go when he was ready and he did. So, now I'm down to one child in diapers--wooo hooo!!!!! I've been buying and changing dirty diapers for over five years straight-- 64 months in a row to be exact. I am so sick and tired of poopy pants. I swear I'm going to throw a huge party when the Crawfords get off the diaper aisle!!!!!

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