Friday, April 4, 2008

Jacksonology #1 (previously known as "Addition and Subtraction")

For the past few days Anna Catherine has wanted to work on addition and subtraction while we are driving. She doesn't like you to simply ask, "What's 10-6?". You have to make up a scenario and create word problems. We have been having conversations about "eating cookies", "buying mules", and "losing baby dolls" for two days. Her favorite scenario is "eating cookies" so we have done many of these. Here's a conversation we had in the car yesterday:

Anna Catherine: "I want to do 'eating cookies'."
Tracy: "Okay. I give you ten cookies. You eat six of the cookies. How many cookies do you have left?"
Anna Catherine: "How many cookies did you give me?"
Tracy: "I gave you ten and you ate six."
Jackson: "I want a cookie."
Tracy: "Jackson, there aren't any cookies."
Anna Catherine: "There's three cookies."
Tracy: " Try again. I give you ten cookies. You eat six of the cookies. How many cookies do you have left? Use your fingers."
Anna Catherine: "How many cookies did you give me?"
Tracy: "Ten."
Jackson: "I want a cookie."
Anna Catherine: "How many did I eat?"
Tracy: "You ate six."
Jackson: "I just want one cookie. Can I have one cookie?"
Tracy: "Jackson, we don't have cookies. We're doing subtraction. There aren't any cookies for us to give you."
Anna Catherine: "Four."
Tracy: "That's right. There's four cookies left."
Jackson: "Please, can I have one cookie? Just one cookie."

Poor fella was so confused. All we can assume is he was thinking 'When did she get cookies? How did I not know she ate six cookies? Why won't they share cookies?' He cracks us up constantly.


Anonymous said...
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cjaxon said...

I wanna cookie! But I want TEN! hehe
I love those little kiddums! They do say the darndest things!