Monday, February 18, 2008


February 13, 2008---We added a new member to the Crawford family today...Shadow. He is a one-year-old, AKC registered, black cocker spaniel. He's a very sweet dog that we acquired because his owner moved to an apartment that didn't allow pets. And he came with two perks---he's house trained and he was free!! YEA!!! How lucky are we?!? Shadow also knows some simple commands and likes to play fetch. He has the same energy level as Jackson so they play wonderfully together. Jackson will get in his face and say, "Nanny nanny boo boo, you can't catch me" and then run. Shadow responds by chasing him for what seems to be 200 laps through the house. At the end of the day, both Jackson and Shadow are exhausted and sleep well at night. Chloe was freaked out at first because she hasn't been around many animals, but she's warming up to him now. Anna Catherine enjoys playing with Shadow, however she also likes to yell "no" at him a lot. All in all, he's a great addition to our family.

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