Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Day with the Jordans

July 8, 2009---The kids and I took a road trip to Memphis to spend the day with our friends, the Jordans. We met up with them at the Children's Museum so the little ones could expend some energy. They played hard for three hours.

AC working the hot air balloon:

fishing in the Mississippi River model (Jackson's favorite activity there):

building with V in the construction area:

Mommy Jordan reading a book to GL and C.

Anna Catherine and Jackson shopping in the Kroger model:

Afterwards we went to Baskin Robbins for an afternoon treat before our three hour drive home.

Doesn't it look like C and AC are on a date? So cute!!!

Even prehistoric beasts like chocolate ice cream (notice Jackson's animals on the table):

It was a fun day. I wish we didn't live so far so we could do this more often!

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