Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back-to-School Party

July 23, 2008---We had the honor of attending the 6th Annual Koehler Family Back-to-School Party. This was our first year to attend since this is the first year one of my children will be entering "big school". The highlight of the party was a scavenger hunt. It was a very interesting party idea--similar to an Easter egg hunt but rather than hiding eggs and putting them in a basket, school supplies were hidden and each child brought their backpack to fill with goodies. Each family brought a designated number of school necessities to be scattered across the lawn and hidden in the landscaping. You would have thought they were searching for $100 bills the way all of the kids were running. Anna Catherine and Jackson racked up on supplies. Afterwards everyone enjoyed a picnic lunch of grilled hot dogs, beautiful edible fruit arrangements (made by the Koehler girls), and a variety of chips, sweets, and drinks. The weather was as nice as you could ask for in Mississippi in July--not too hot (meaning mid-90s) and slightly overcast. We had a great time!!

34 children participated:

going into preschool:

going into kindergarten:

getting instructions from Dr. Kevin:

Jackson on the search:

Anna Catherine adding to her bounty:

Jackson enjoying his sweets:

Mabry and Anna Catherine:

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