Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where has the summer gone?

Where has the summer gone? We are at the half-way point for July and school starts in three weeks! We have been busy with the garden and yard work, vacation bible schools, gymnastics classes, play dates (for the children and parents), and home improvement projects. There's just not enough time to get everything done. We've had to scratch a few plans because we can't fit everything into our schedule. Whatever happened to the lazy days of summer? I can't remember the last time I had a "lazy day".

Our home improvement projects have not been major but very time consuming when you're trying to take care of three kids while working. We took down Chloe's baby bed and moved Jackson's toddler bed into her room. She hates it! Screams for an hour at bedtime. It gets a little better each day but it is still frustrating. We tried closing her bedroom door so she couldn't leave the room if she got out of the bed. Well...she mastered opening the door the first day. So, we but up a baby gate. She pushed her baby doll's high chair up to the gate, climbed on top of it, and was in the process of climbing over the gate when I stopped her. Last night she tackled the gate and it crashed to the floor. That little toot!! I don't know what we're going to do. I didn't have time to paint the girls' room before moving the beds but hope to do it before Christmas. I was able to paint one of the bathrooms and hung curtains in both. I also painted Jackson's room before moving bunk beds into it. The bottom is a full bed and the top is a twin. He absolutely loves his "big boy" bed. He doesn't have as much floor space to play but he doesn't seem to mind.

Busy, busy, busy...when does life slow down? I don't think it does.

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