Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ole Miss vs. La Tech

October 6, 2007---The tailgate was smaller this week but it was still a lot of fun. As I've written before, lots of good food, drink, and socializing. Taylor Hicks of American Idol fame started the Hotty Toddy. The Rebs pulled out a 24-0 win over the Bulldogs. The score makes it sound like a great win but it wasn't. Too many dropped passes, blah, blah, blah. Hopefully the Rebs will look better next week against Bama. We had a little drama in the Grove after the game. A drunk ole Miss student drove his Land Rover into one of the concrete parking poles between the street and the Grove. There was one tent between us and the vehicle. He was had stopped at the stop sign on sorority Row but drove straight into the pole/Grove rather than turning onto the Grove Loop. The driver bailed out of the Land Rover, grabbed his cooler, and ran leaving his passenger in the SUV talking on his cell phone. The vehicle was quickly surrounded by UPD and security officers. The driver was coerced back to the vehicle via cell phone calls from friends where he was arrested and his SUV was towed. I heard he had a suspended license so he's probably facing some trouble. My guess would be DUI, driving with a suspended license, and leaving the scene of an accident. Unfortunately I didn't think to take pictures of the event.

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