Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Eve 2008

December 24, 2008---We were honored to have PaPa Gator and Lady as our guests for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. The kids were really excited to see them and so were Mommy and Daddy. We spent Christmas Eve just getting to visit with each other, opening gifts, and eating way more barbecue than we needed from The Haute Pig (I would say the second best bbq in the world--the #1 spot going to The Commisary in Germantown, TN).

PaPa Gator and Lady got each of the kids a new bicycle for Christmas. Anna Catherine's was pink and purple with lady bugs on it--which she loves because her teacher, Mrs. Gross, LOVES ladybugs!! Jackson's handlebars rev like a motor revving. Chloe's is a Little Mermaid trike/big wheel type that blows bubbles. Anna Catherine and Jackson already had helmets but we didn't think about pads until Jackson fell off his bike.

Lady doctored his boo-boo and made it all better. Then we made a trip to Wal-Mart to get "magic" band-aids and pads for Jackson and Anna Catherine.

Chloe was exhausted and found PaPa Gator's lap the perfect place for a nap.

Rick read one of the children's books that tells the Christmas Story .

We opened gifts from each other and from the people on Rick's side of the family who drew our names. We were not able to make it for their Family Christmas in Zachary this year :( We missed seeing everyone tremendously. We all received really nice things. Everyone was so generous with their giving this year.

Rick and Anna Catherine made sugar cookies with sprinkles for Santa. Chloe wanted to help but Anna Catherine works better without the help. The kids each picked one cookie for Santa and then one for themselves. You've got to taste the goods before giving them away...

We put out reindeer food and a bowl of water on the lawn. You can't forget about Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph!

Believe me, the kids were spoiled with all of the extra attention from PaPa Gator and Lady...and there was more, much more to come...

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