Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jackson's first day of preschool...Take 2

November 11,2008---Jackson started preschool at Madison United Methodist Church and LOVES it! He is enrolled in the Tuesday/Thursday three-year-old mornings only class. The first day he was eager to get there and kept telling me to hurry up. He walked right in with no problem and never even told me goodbye. He just started playing with the other kids. He is excited every morning and tells me how much he loves his new school and that he has fun every day. However, he has had bad reports from his teacher saying that he doesn't listen to her, does whatever he wants, and doesn't stay on task. The students are given a stamp on their hand at the end of the day if they have been good. The teacher said it is very hard to not get a stamp. Even if you're slightly bad you get a stamp. Well, Jackson has never gotten a stamp--for obvious reasons. He turns flips in the floor during group time, he hid in a closet one day, he wants to play with toys rather than doing his school work, etc. We've grounded him more than once for his failure to listen to the teacher. I think it may actually be sinking in. This is the exact reason we wanted him to attend preschool. Jackson lives in his own little world, doing what he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants to do it. He needs structure and discipline. Hopefully, once the holidays are over, he'll be in a consistent routine and things will start looking up. We're looking forward to the day he gets a stamp on his hand.

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