Friday, December 19, 2008

All I Want For Christmas...

December 12-16, 2008---Anna Catherine's front teeth have been loose for several months. She lost two on the bottom this summer. In November she lost another on the bottom. Then on Friday night another on the bottom came out. Ben was here and he hasn't lost any teeth. While we were in the bathroom rinsing out her mouth he said "That's so cool!" Then Sunday we were at a neighbor's birthday party when Anna Catherine had one of the top front teeth knocked out by the zipline. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. She had slid down the zipline and let go of the bar. The bar swung back and barely tapped her mouth. She never cried but held her hand over her mouth. I asked if she was okay and you can imagine my shock when she opened her mouth to show a bloody whole where a tooth had been just seconds ago. We looked for the tooth but could not find it. Anna Catherine drew a map for the Tooth Fairy and left it in her Ole Miss Tooth Fairy Pillow. She wanted the tooth fairy to know that she wasn't trying to fool her.

The next morning Anna Catherine showed us that the remaining top front tooth was barely hanging on. We were actually surprised that it didn't fall out while she was brushing her teeth. When I picked her up from school she eagerly told me that her tooth had fallen out during class and she had it in a ziplock bag in her backpack. She lost three teeth in four days...a total of six teeth in six and a half months!! There aren't anymore least for now!

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