Monday, October 27, 2008

Bodock Festival '08

August 22-23, 2008---For the third year in a row we attended the Bodock Festival in Pontotoc. The Bergerons drove over to hang out with us for the Friday night festivities. We had dinner on Main Street, browsed through the vendors (where Anna Catherine purchased her traditional container of sand art), listened to local musicians, and watched the Twilight 10K. Rick participated in the race along with many friends from church and the community. I can't remember Rick's exact time but he was a little slow on this race. Joe and I assumed the steak and salad he had eaten 30 minutes prior to running had not settled well and had held him up somewhere along the course. He never became physically ill but he looked a little green as he crossed the finish line. The pictures are very blurry thanks to the strobe lights from the emergency vehicles lining the street. Rick then participated in the Tour de Bodock bicycle ride on Saturday morning. It is not a spectator event so the kids and I did not attend. Participants have the option of biking 37 miles or 62 miles. Initially Rick was gung ho for the full race (which he had did last year) but opted for the shorter route in the end. Still very, very impressive. I don't know how he does it!

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