Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Welcome Aunt Pauline!

I would like to introduce you to my aunt Pauline. Only over the past few months have we come to know that she existed and now DNA tests have proven that she truly is my aunt. Pauline is my mother's oldest sibling, a half-sister, born during World War II in England. She was adopted as an baby and now, after the deaths of her adoptive parents, began searching for her biological family.

Pauline lives in England with her husband of 40 years, Irving. Their permanent house of residence is in Northants but they also have a house by the sea in Weymouth. They have three children: Joanna, age 38, is married to Mike and lives in Cheshire; Andrew, age 36, is married to Nikki and they have a three-year-old daughter named Jasmine; and Jonathan is 26 years old.
I would like to welcome them to the family and can't wait to see them when they travel to this side of the pond in the fall.
Aunt Pauline and Uncle Irving:
Mike and Joanna:
Andrew, Nikki, and Jasmine:
Jasmine, Andrew, and Jonathan:

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