Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chloe's 15 month check-up

May 22, 2008---Chloe was fifteen months old on Tuesday. She had her check-up and shots today. She weighs 24 pounds and is 31 1/2 inches tall. She has a vocabulary of 14 words and is spoiled rotten (surprise, surprise!). She's also started throwing temper tantrums. Chloe has an appetite big enough to feed an adult and has started to get a little pudge. Boo-Boo is so loving--she gives hugs and kisses all the time. She climbs on everything---sofa, kitchen table, bathroom sink, beds, toys, chairs, step-ladders...everything!! Even if she falls,which she has done several times she gets right up and keeps climbing. She's so mischievous. She's feeding herself (using fingers and silverware), talking jibber-jabber constantly (I have a Chatty Kathy on my hands!), and on the go all the time. Chloe can be so independent at times. My sweet baby isn't so little anymore.

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