Saturday, June 27, 2009

Frogs and Tadpoles

Back in March when we found this fella next to our koi pond, we thought it was kind of cool that we had a frog.

Then, he started to "ribbit' at night.

It's not really a "ribbit" sound but believe me, he loves to make his sound.

By the end of April/first of May we began hearing another frog. Oh great, he has a friend!!

And they like to have croaking contests every night.

Well, apparently while we were on vacation at the end of May the frogs decided to throw a house party and their guests have decided to take up permanent residence. Since returning home from our trip we can now hear several different distinct frog sounds and think there are 4-6 adult frogs based on all the different locations we can hear them simultaneously. They put on a concert every night from 9 pm until 4 am.!!

And to top it all off, they have decided to mate and our koi pond is filled with zillions of tadpoles. SERIOUSLY!!!

Rick scooped out many of them and tossed them into the yard last week, hoping they would die in the 1oo+ degree heat. He also thought it would be a good idea to put some of the tadpoles in a bowl for Jackson to keep as pets!

Then Rick found this old fish bowl and decided to give them a bigger home.

What are we going to do with these things?

Carrie--your kids like frogs. Do you want them?
We can keep you in a constant supply of tadpoles!!
I am so scared that Chloe is going to get to the fish bowl and do who knows what with them!?!
We shall see...


K Storm said...

Nothing like an up-close science lesson!

cjaxon said...

Hmmmm, we have to turn our frogs loose when we leave town, so I think the tadpoles would be really disappointed. I am sure they are much happier in the Crawford residence. Thanks for the offer though :) LOL

Stephanie said...

AEH would love some but I think we will pass. :) Good Luck!