Thursday, June 19, 2008

T-ball Season Highlights

The Pontotoc Park and Rec t-ball league season is now officially over. It was quite entertaining for the spectators and Anna Catherine enjoyed playing tremendously. She was an awesome fielder. She often played first base, pitcher, or third base. Her favorite was first base because her coach makes the players throw the ball to first base after each play. Out of approximately forty balls that came her way during the season, she only let four get past her. Pretty good for her first season playing ball!! It took her a couple of games to get used to batting but was then able to hit the ball on her first try for the rest of the season. Rick (and Jackson and sometimes Chloe) coached second base which meant they told the runners when to start and stop. Some poor kids didn't know the order of the bases or where to run so people were stationed at each base giving directions. Anna Catherine is #3. I must say that we had the BEST t-ball team in the four-year-old division. Our children knew how to hit, throw, and field the balls without fighting. It was obvious (other teams even made comments) that our kids played well together . Thanks to Coach Kevin and to all of his assistants for their patience and determination to make it a great t-ball season!!

They had an "end of the season" pizza and skating party on Tuesday night. Anna Catherine is the orange blur in the pictures. The camera just couldn't focus with all the movement. She had a blast skating with her fellow teammates. She likes to dance to the "Cha-Cha" song that gets played at every party we attend at the skating rink. Rick said she was all into it (I stayed home with the little kids). Anna Catherine also received a trophy for participating this season. It doubles as a piggy bank which is kind of cool. She's eager to play next season and Jackson will be able to play in the same age group next year as well. Surely, they'll be placed on the same team.

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