Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chloe's Big Week

September 13-20, 2007---Chloe has had a big week. She can take a few steps if you hold her fingers and can stand for a few minutes if she is holding on to something. Rick wants her to be able to walk by November so he can get her on the ski slopes but he'd better think again! Chloe has also mastered sitting up. It took a little longer than I expected but that's probably because I haven't been working with her. Rick says it's just hard for me to accept that she is the last baby I will ever have and I don't want her to grow up... and he's right. (Wow, don't tell him I said that---hahaha!) She got her first two teeth on Tuesday. She loves to put your finger in her mouth and bite you. Chloe also loves to talk; of course it's primarily baby babble but she did say her first word...MAMA (I'm not the only person who's heard her say it). She can't exactly crawl but she can move across a room very quickly by scooting on her stomach. I'm not too worried about that though. I never crawled as a baby and I made it just fine. Chloe went for a check-up on Wednesday and weighed 15 pounds 10 ounces and was 27 inches long. She turned 7 months old on Thursday. My sweet baby girl is growing up toooooooooo fast!!!!!! Why can't she be a baby forever?!?!?!

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