Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jackson vs. The Treadmill

August 30, 2007---Today, Jackson decided to take on a treadmill and lost the battle. Here's how it happened: We were getting haircuts and for the first time Jackson sat in the chair by himself and did not cry or whine while getting his hair cut. This is a major accomplishment considering that normally I am holding him and restraining his legs and arms while two people attempt to hold his head and cut his hair. All the while he is screaming as if we are horribly torturing him. Today Jackson did a complete 360 and his hair cut experience was amazingly peaceful. The salon has a fitness center in the back. The kids typically play back there while I get my hair cut (bad idea #1). During my haircut we heard blood curdling screams and rushed back to the fitness area. Jackson is crying and showing me his hand. According to Anna Catherine he pushed some buttons on the treadmill and put his hand on the belt (bad idea #2). His hand had been caught in the treadmill and Leah, our hairdresser, had gotten it out just as I got there. His left hand has several "boo-boo's" from his battle. It is swollen and the top has scrapes and burns on it. The skin on his ring finger between his middle and ring fingers is missing from top to bottom. He also has scrapes and burns on the tops of his index and ring fingers. He cried for 45 minutes and refused to use his hand for over an hour so we went to the doctor, just as a precaution. Dr. Stone said that it is not broken and we should keep neosporin on it. However, if it is still swollen or if he still isn't using that hand well on Tuesday, we will need to come back in for x-rays. I am attaching pictures below but they aren't very good. He doesn't like showing his boo-boo's long enough to get a good picture.

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